As of Bootstrap 4.2, [toasts]( have been inroduced and the aim of this plugin is to make them easier to use.
**Note:** If content is omitted, the toast will not have a `.toast-body` and can be used as a small snack which will be shown below in the examples. By default toasts will be positioned in the top right corner and will in the future (hopefully) have other position options.
* The toast will remain in the DOM when hidden, I am working on a way to incorperate removing them from the DOM or reusing existing ones if left in, however, for the time being, you can use the following to remove the toast once it is hidden from the DOM:
I am not perfect and as such I am always looking for ways to improve my code so please make suggestions, forks and pull requests. Feel free to adapt this plugin freely (but please do not go ahead and sell this plugin, the point is that this should be free) and be sure to let me know so I can check out your changes.